

The Ancient Scriptures

The Beginning of the First Age

In the beginning the world was created. The first creatures to roam the lands was elves. They developed  languages and wrote scriptures and lived in harmony.

A new creature then came to walk the earth, It was a mythical creature, in the original Elven tongue he was called Ildor, which translated into modern tongue is Conjurer of power. The name now referred to as wizard. After the coming of Ildor to these lands, more wizards came with powers almost Equal to Ildor.

A friendship was formed between the Elves and a council was formed with the wise and Ildor was made head.

Then came men. Men were power hungry and brought corruption. It was their greed and lust for power which brought these lands to this current age.

Bonds were broken and the council separated. Since then these lands have been at war. Some elves chose the path of darkness. These were known as Dark Elves. They had Some mythical powers.

Some of the Wizards went corrupt and in modern tongue is known as Shamans.

Not all men were corrupt and stayed they formed special units using his strengths. They are known as Knights and Swordsmen.

The men that went corrupt formed there on special units, Wolf Riders and Black Swordsmen.


Each Formed there own councils ands goal was to take control of the lands

Created By Dave Little and Zegg90